cigars online
The Ultimate Guide to Buying Cigars Online
Photo by jackmac34 on Pixabay
Image Source: Unsplash
Welcome to the ultimate guide on buying cigars online. In this comprehensive article, we will explore everything you need to know about purchasing cigars from the comfort of your own home. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned cigar enthusiast, we’ve got you covered. From the best deals and top brands to auctions and discounts, we will dive deep into the world of online cigar shopping. So sit back, light up your favorite cigar, and let’s get started!
Table of Contents
- Benefits of Buying Cigars Online
- Top Online Cigar Retailers
- Exploring Different Cigar Brands
- Altadis USA
- JR Alternatives
- Participating in Cigar Auctions
- JR Auctions
- Discounts for Special Individuals
- Military Personnel
- First Responders
- Doctors, Nurses, and Hospital Employees
- The Blending Room: A Wealth of Information
- Blogs and Cigar Reviews
- Cigar Tasting Videos
- Cigar Guides
- The Long Ash Podcast: A Journey into the Cigar Industry
- Loyalty Programs and Rewards
- JR Insider Loyalty Program
- Staying Updated with SMS Notifications
- Tips for a Successful Online Cigar Purchase
- Legal Considerations and Age Verification
- Conclusion
1. Benefits of Buying Cigars Online
The online cigar market offers numerous advantages for both beginners and seasoned cigar aficionados. Here are some of the key benefits:
Convenience: One of the major advantages of purchasing cigars online is the convenience it offers. You can browse and order cigars from the comfort of your own home, without the need to visit a physical store.
Wide Selection: Online retailers provide a vast selection of cigars from various brands, regions, and flavor profiles. You can explore a wider range of options than what may be available at a local shop.
Better Prices: Online retailers often offer competitive prices and exclusive deals, allowing you to find cigars at more affordable prices compared to brick-and-mortar stores.
Expert Advice: Many online retailers provide detailed product descriptions, customer reviews, and recommendations to help you make informed decisions based on your preferences and taste.
Discreet Packaging: Online retailers understand the importance of discreet shipping for cigar enthusiasts. Your cigars will be delivered in secure and inconspicuous packaging, ensuring privacy.
2. Top Online Cigar Retailers
When it comes to buying cigars online, it’s important to choose reputable and trustworthy retailers. Here are two of the top online cigar retailers known for their quality products and excellent customer service: is a renowned online retailer offering a wide range of cigars from various brands. They prioritize customer satisfaction and ensure a seamless shopping experience. With their user-friendly website, you can easily navigate through different categories and find the perfect cigar for your taste.
JR Cigars
JR Cigars is another popular online retailer known for its extensive selection of cigars and accessories. They have been in the industry for decades and have established strong relationships with top cigar manufacturers. JR Cigars offers a user-friendly website, making it easy to browse and find your desired cigars.
3. Exploring Different Cigar Brands
When buying cigars online, it’s important to explore different brands to find the one that suits your taste preferences. Here are two notable cigar brands worth exploring:
Altadis USA
Altadis USA is a leading manufacturer of premium cigars known for their exceptional quality and craftsmanship. They offer a diverse range of cigars, each with its own distinct flavor profile. Whether you prefer mellow, medium, or full-bodied cigars, Altadis USA has something for everyone.
JR Alternatives
JR Alternatives is JR Cigars’ own brand of handmade premium cigars at value prices. These cigars provide an excellent alternative to more expensive cigars without compromising on quality. JR Alternatives offer a variety of blends and sizes, allowing you to find the perfect cigar that suits your taste and budget.
4. Participating in Cigar Auctions
Cigar auctions are an exciting way to score great deals on premium cigars. Here’s a renowned online cigar auction platform worth exploring:
JR Auctions
JR Auctions is a platform where you can bid on your favorite cigars and win them at the lowest online prices. It offers a thrilling bidding experience and an opportunity to save money on high-quality cigars. Keep an eye on the auctions and snag some amazing deals on your favorite brands.
5. Discounts for Special Individuals
At and JR Cigars, certain groups of individuals are eligible for exclusive discounts to show appreciation for their service. These discounts include:
- Military Personnel: Active-duty military personnel can enjoy discounts on their cigar purchases.
- First Responders: First responders, including police officers, firefighters, and paramedics, are eligible for special discounts.
- Doctors, Nurses, and Hospital Employees: Those working in the healthcare industry can also benefit from discounts on cigars.
6. The Blending Room: A Wealth of Information
The Blending Room is an essential resource for all cigar enthusiasts. It provides a wealth of information, including:
- Blogs and Cigar Reviews: Stay updated with the latest trends, news, and insights from the cigar industry through informative blogs and detailed cigar reviews.
- Cigar Tasting Videos: Watch experts as they guide you through cigar tastings, helping you develop a deeper understanding of different flavor profiles.
- Cigar Guides: Learn about the various cigar types, sizes, wrappers, and more through comprehensive guides that serve as valuable references for both beginners and experienced smokers.
7. The Long Ash Podcast: A Journey into the Cigar Industry
The Long Ash Podcast, hosted by Nick and Chris, offers an entertaining and informative journey into the world of cigars. Tune in to their discussions as they explore different aspects of the cigar industry, share their experiences, and unravel the mysteries of life with a cigar in hand.
8. Loyalty Programs and Rewards and JR Cigars offer loyalty programs that reward customers for their continued support. Here’s what you can expect:
JR Insider Loyalty Program
Joining the JR Insider Loyalty Program allows you to earn points and unlock exclusive rewards every time you shop. The more you buy, the more points you accumulate, which can be redeemed for discounts, free cigars, and other exciting perks.
9. Staying Updated with SMS Notifications
If you want to stay up-to-date with the latest deals and promotions, activate SMS notifications from JR Cigars. By opting in, you’ll receive timely alerts directly to your phone, ensuring you never miss out on limited-time offers and exclusive discounts.
10. Tips for a Successful Online Cigar Purchase
When buying cigars online, it’s important to consider the following tips to ensure a successful purchase:
- Research and Read Reviews: Before making a purchase, research different brands and read reviews from other customers to get an idea of the cigar’s quality and flavor.
- Check Shipping Policies: Familiarize yourself with the retailer’s shipping policies, including shipping fees, delivery times, and packaging practices.
- Age Verification: Online retailers have strict age verification policies to comply with legal requirements. Be prepared to provide identification to confirm your age.
- Consider Sampler Packs: If you’re unsure about which cigars to try, consider purchasing sampler packs that offer a variety of different cigars, allowing you to explore and discover new flavors.
- Store Cigars Properly: Once your cigars arrive, ensure they are stored in a humidor or airtight container at the appropriate temperature and humidity to maintain their freshness and flavor.
11. Legal Considerations and Age Verification
It is important to note that online retailers, such as and JR Cigars, strictly adhere to legal requirements. They do not sell tobacco-related products to anyone under the age of 21, and age verification is mandatory during the purchase process. These measures ensure compliance with regulations and promote responsible enjoyment of cigars.
Buying cigars online provides convenience, a wide selection, and access to exclusive deals. With reputable online retailers like and JR Cigars, you can explore different brands, participate in auctions, and benefit from discounts. The Blending Room and The Long Ash Podcast offer valuable resources to enhance your cigar knowledge and enjoyment. By joining loyalty programs, staying updated with SMS notifications, and following essential tips, you can make successful online cigar purchases. Remember to comply with age verification requirements and legal considerations for responsible enjoyment. Now, it’s time to embark on your online cigar shopping journey and discover the perfect cigars for your taste and preferences. Enjoy your smoke!