305 cigarettes are manufactured by a company called the Dosal Tobacco Comany from Miami, Florida. Many seem to think that they are trying to create a name similarity between themselves and Doral, which does not exist. The owner’s last name is Dosal, and they have been manufacturing tobacco and cigar products for a very long time since they came from Cuba. So while 305 may be their first brand, this company is not new to the scene in any way. 305’s as a brand have apparently been around since about 2001, and were named after the Miami area code. Even though this brand is not supplied by alot of major retailers, they have become highly popular in Florida due to their extremely low price. You see people everywhere using this brand. You often have to ask for them specifically at stores, because a lot of times they are not even stocked on the regular cigarette racks, and are kept under the counter or in the cabinets in convenience stores.
The pricing is significantly lower than almost any other brand. It is a decent generic cigarette with a good value. But are these 305’s worth it? Why not purchase it and find out for yourself?
Even though this brand is not carried at a lot of the major retailers, they have become highly popular in Florida due to their extremely low price. You see people everywhere using this brand. You often have to ask for them specifically at local stores, because a lot of times they are not in stock on the regular cigarette racks, and are kept under the counter or in the cabinets in convenient stores.
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