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Where to Buy Cigars Online: The Ultimate Guide for Cigar Enthusiasts
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where can i buy cigars online
where can i buy cigars online Are you a cigar aficionado searching for the best online store to buy your favorite cigars? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore two reputable online cigar retailers, Mike’s Cigars and Thompson Cigar, and help you make an informed decision on where to purchase your next premium cigars. From an extensive selection of top brands to unbeatable prices and fast shipping, these online stores have everything you need to enhance your cigar journey.
Introduction to Mike’s Cigars
Mike’s Cigars is a renowned online retailer offering an extensive collection of cigars, humidors, lighters, ashtrays, cutters, and smoking accessories. With over 70 years of experience, Mike’s Cigars caters to all cigar enthusiasts, whether you’re a beginner, occasional smoker, or a seasoned aficionado. Their online store is a treasure trove of the most popular handmade cigar brands, including Arturo Fuente, Romeo y Julieta, Oliva, Montecristo, Padron, Acid, Macanudo, Rocky Patel, Davidoff, Cohiba, La Gloria Cubana, and My Father Cigars.
Unparalleled Selection
At Mike’s Cigars, you’ll find an unparalleled selection of cigars to suit every taste and preference. Whether you prefer full-bodied Nicaraguan blends, smooth Dominican cigars, or the unique flavors of Honduran cigars, their collection has it all. From single cigars to 5 packs, 10 packs, or bulk options, you can choose the quantity that suits your needs. Mike’s Cigars also offers hand-selected cigar samplers, double stacks, and cigar combos, allowing you to explore different brands and blends.
Competitive Prices and Lowest Price Guarantee
When it comes to pricing, Mike’s Cigars always strives to offer the best value to its customers. They guarantee the lowest prices on all premium cigars, ensuring that you get the most bang for your buck. Whether you’re looking for a rare and luxurious cigar or a budget-friendly option, their prices are highly competitive. You can enjoy your favorite cigars without breaking the bank.
Fast Shipping and Fresh Cigars
One of the key advantages of buying cigars online is the convenience of doorstep delivery. Mike’s Cigars understands the importance of freshness when it comes to cigars. They ensure that every cigar you receive is fresh and ready to be enjoyed. With their fast shipping services, you can rest assured that your cigars will arrive in perfect condition, allowing you to indulge in a premium smoking experience.
Expert Advice and Educational Resources
In addition to their exceptional product offerings, Mike’s Cigars provides valuable resources to help you enhance your cigar knowledge and hobby. Their blog is a treasure trove of information on the latest trends in the tobacco world, tips to take your cigar experience to the next level, and detailed articles on the anatomy of a stogie. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned connoisseur, their educational resources will enrich your understanding of cigars.
A Legacy of Excellence
Mike’s Cigars has a rich history that dates back to 1950 when it was opened in Miami Beach by a WWII veteran, Mike Mersel. Before cigars became a white-collar lifestyle accessory, Mike was already selling cigars to the locals, setting the foundation for his legacy. Mike’s entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to providing quality cigars have made his brand an enduring symbol of excellence. Although Mike passed away in 2008 at the age of 97, his legacy lives on through the continued success of Mike’s Cigars.
Introduction to Thompson Cigar
Thompson Cigar is another leading online retailer that caters to cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Established with a commitment to providing premium cigars and a wide range of smoking accessories, Thompson Cigar has become a go-to destination for cigar lovers. Let’s delve into what makes Thompson Cigar a preferred choice among cigar aficionados.
Extensive Cigar Selection
Thompson Cigar boasts an extensive selection of cigars from various renowned brands. Whether you’re searching for the smooth and mellow flavor of a CAO cigar, the bold and complex notes of a Cohiba, or the rich and aromatic experience of a Padron cigar, Thompson Cigar has you covered. Their collection also includes popular brands like Swisher Sweets, ACID, and more. With their diverse range of options, you can explore different flavors and profiles to find your perfect cigar.
Cigarillos and Flavored Cigars
If you prefer a shorter smoking experience or enjoy the unique taste of flavored cigars, Thompson Cigar offers a variety of cigarillos and flavored cigars. Cigarillos are perfect for those moments when you want a quick smoke without sacrificing the enjoyment. Flavored cigars, on the other hand, provide a delightful twist with infused flavors like vanilla, cherry, and coffee. Thompson Cigar ensures that you have options to suit every mood and occasion.
Smoking Accessories and Humidors
To enhance your cigar experience, Thompson Cigar offers a wide range of smoking accessories and high-quality humidors. From cutters and lighters to ashtrays and travel cases, you’ll find everything you need to elevate your smoking ritual. Additionally, their selection of humidors and humidor accessories ensures that you can properly store and age your cigars, preserving their freshness and flavor.
Unbeatable Deals and Samplers
Thompson Cigar understands the value of a great deal. They regularly feature special offers, promotions, and sampler packs, allowing you to try a variety of cigars at a discounted price. These samplers are curated to showcase the best cigars from different brands and flavor profiles, enabling you to explore new options and expand your palate. where can i buy cigars online
Exceptional Customer Service
When shopping online, excellent customer service is crucial. Thompson Cigar prides itself on providing exceptional customer service to ensure a seamless shopping experience. Their knowledgeable and friendly staff is always ready to assist you with any inquiries or concerns. From recommending cigars to providing guidance on accessories, their team is dedicated to helping you make the right choices.
Additional Information:
- Both Mike’s Cigars and Thompson Cigar offer free standard shipping on orders above a certain amount. This adds even more value to your purchase and makes the online shopping experience more convenient.
- Both online retailers have easy-to-navigate websites that allow you to browse their extensive collections, read detailed product descriptions, and make secure purchases.
- It’s important to note that the availability of certain cigar brands and products may vary from time to time. It’s always a good idea to check the online stores for the latest offerings.
In the world of cigars, choosing the right online retailer is essential for a satisfying smoking experience. Mike’s Cigars and Thompson Cigar are two highly reputable options that offer an extensive selection of premium cigars, smoking accessories, and exceptional customer service. Whether you prefer the legacy of Mike’s Cigars or the variety and deals at Thompson Cigar, both retailers have everything you need to indulge in your passion for cigars. Explore their collections, discover new flavors, and embark on a cigar journey like no other. Happy smoking!