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Everything You Need to Know About Louisiana Tobacco Taxes

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Louisiana Tobacco Taxes


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Firstly, Tobacco products are subject to specific taxes in Louisiana. Whether you’re a manufacturer or importer of cigars, cigarettes, smoking or smokeless tobacco, it’s crucial to understand the tax requirements and filing procedures in the state. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the rates of tax for different tobacco products, the due dates for tax filings, and the bond requirements for wholesale tobacco dealers.

Who Must File?

Secondly, Any individual or entity involved in the manufacturing or importing of cigars, cigarettes, smoking or smokeless tobacco for distribution, sale, use, or consumption in Louisiana must file a tobacco tax return. This requirement applies to both manufacturers and importers. All tobacco tax returns and payments must be submitted electronically for convenience and efficiency.

Rates of Tax

Thirdly, The rates of tax vary depending on the type of tobacco product. Here’s a breakdown of the tax rates for different tobacco products:


Fourthly, Cigars are taxed based on the manufacturer’s net invoice price per thousand. The tax rates are as follows:

  • Up to $120 per thousand: 8%
  • Over $120 per thousand: 20%


Lastly, Cigarettes are taxed at a fixed rate per cigarette. The current tax rate is five and four-tenths cents per cigarette.

Smoking Tobacco

Smoking tobacco is taxed at a rate of 33% of the manufacturer’s net invoice price.

Smokeless Tobacco

Smokeless tobacco is taxed at a rate of 20% of the manufacturer’s net invoice price.

Vapor Products

Finally, For periods beginning on or after July 1, 2023, the tax rate for vapor products is $0.15 per milliliter of consumable vapor product. For periods prior to July 1, 2023, the tax rate is $0.05 per milliliter of consumable vapor product.

Date Tax Due

Firstly, Registered tobacco dealers in Louisiana must file their tax returns by the 20th day of the month following the close of a calendar month. This deadline applies to dealers who are receiving and handling cigarettes, cigars, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, or vapor products in Louisiana on which tax has not been previously paid.

Tax Stamps

Firstly, Every registered tobacco dealer holding a valid stamping agent designation must stamp any unstamped cigarettes before selling, offering for sale, removing, or distributing them in or into the state to wholesale dealers or retail outlets. Tax stamps can only be purchased from the Louisiana Department of Revenue and must be affixed on the premises of the wholesale tobacco dealer. louisiana cigarette prices

Bond Requirements

To ensure compliance with tax obligations, every registered wholesale tobacco dealer in Louisiana is required to furnish a bond to the Secretary of Revenue. The minimum bond amount is $2,500, but it may vary based on the volume of the dealer’s business. The bond serves as a guarantee for the payment of taxes and other financial obligations related to the tobacco business. louisiana cigarette prices


Also, Understanding the tax requirements for tobacco products in Louisiana is essential for manufacturers and importers. By familiarizing yourself with the rates of tax, due dates for tax filings, and bond requirements, you can ensure compliance with the state’s regulations. Remember to file your tobacco tax returns electronically and adhere to the specific tax rates for each tobacco product. By doing so, you’ll avoid penalties and maintain a smooth operation within the tobacco industry in Louisiana.

For more information, visit the Louisiana Department of Revenue website.

Additional Information:

  • It is important to note that tobacco tax laws and rates are subject to change. Stay updated with the latest information from the Louisiana Department of Revenue to ensure compliance.
  • Consult with a tax professional or legal advisor to obtain personalized advice regarding your specific tobacco business in Louisiana.

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